First Born Gathering

We believe that mentorship begins at family level. By design and calling, parents are entirely called to the ministry of mentorship at family level. At the same time, firstborns are called to become first mentees at family level too. For any change to take place at home, it begins with the parents. The next change agents are firstborns. As Dove, we delight in the calling upon the firstborns in the session of mentorship. What the firstborns do, achieve and drive in any given home is in most cases replicated through by and the siblings. Our mentorship story can only be completed if firstborns are given their places in their spaces as first mentors in the respective families.

On the 9th Sep 2023, we hosted the Firstborn Gathering at Ntinda School of the Deaf. We had a successful meeting where several families were represented. The concept of Mentorship was well appreciated and firstborns were urged to celebrate their birthrights. An example of Jacob and Esau was appreciated for them not to disperse their birthrights. Common challenges were shared and solutions were appreciated together. Because of the commonly shared challenges yet called mentors in families, Dove mentorship stands to continually host Firstborn Gatherings annually to empower, motivate and encourage firstborns to take up the challenges and count in their families and generation. The Gathering topics that were covered;

1. Appreciating & celebrating the firstborn birthrights.

2. Why mentorship? The role of firstborns in mentorship

3. Dispersing & forfeiting the firstborn birthrights.

4. Challenges faced & solutions available for firstborns.

5. Skilling: Making and drinking Yoghurt.

The Q&A session opened up great discussions that were both enriching to the firstborns present and to Dove community.

Dove aims at building a strong mentorship team right from family level. The Firstborn Gatherings will be carried on annually to build this great team of mentors both at home and in society, the next gathering will be in the first term holiday.

Why Firstborns first?

The firstborn gatherings are aimed at building a great team of mentees, as first disciples for Dove but aimed at entrusting them with the great commission of being mentors at family level. It is beyond the spiritual implications attached but as a drive to build a great team to impact and influence families.

    1. Firstborn gathering aims at tapping into God’s divine calling of firstborns as first mentors at family level. Once the firstborn is well groomed, others easily follow suit.

    2. The gathering aims at nurturing and grooming a great team of mentees. Sharing a lot in common especially the challenges, this makes them find solutions together on how they can count in their respective families.

    3. Smart mentors, from dove mentees to great mentors. As Dove, we delight in mentoring firstborns as great mentors at family level, to us they are mentees, and to the world we see them as great mentors.

    4. A strong Smart firstborn fellowship. We aim at building a great fellowship of smart mentors as future leaders and mentors right from family level. Just as it is believed that when you educate the girl child, you have educated the nation; firstborns being the oldest in families, mentoring them is mentoring families.

    5. The great commission. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age. Math 28: 19-20 (NIV). Jesus chose 12 disciples, mentored them for three years and after His death and resurrection, He confidently commissioned His 12 disciples to carry on the ministry. As Dove mentorship, to us firstborns are our disciples and mentees but great mentors at family, community and national level.

    6. Firstborns are front liners. In any given home setting, firstborns are expected to be at the front lines by calling and design. However, many have not lived to this expectation and have instead become the opposite. Dove comes in to encourage them to take up the challenge and not trade their birthrights as it was with Esau.

    Therefore, Firstborn Gatherings are annual activities to achieve our objectives of mentorship right from family level.

Firstborn leaders being commissioned;

Pr Brian and Beatrice Ddamba 

Engineer aspirants talking to their mentor, Engineer Semugooma;

Co-parenting “Pamoja”- together 

“Behind every child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first” Matthew Jacobs

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