We offer the following to our mentees

Financial Literacy

Building the saving culture to build the saving culture at a tender age and to liase with banking institutions to open bank Accounts for the young people. 

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Dove Kitchen

We're breaking stereotypes and making cooking an exciting, accessible experience for all.  đźŤ´đźŚź

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To enhance the reading and writing culture of young people.

To change the narrative of Africans as readers and writers among young people. 

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Bible School

Our goal is to introduce a culture of Bible reading among young people.

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Prayer School

To mobilize the children all over the nation to join the prayer movement.

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Music/Ballet Dance

Promote and nurture talent in music, dance, and drama. 

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To attach the interested to RBM Enterprise Solutions Ltd mentorship already ongoing. 

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To encourage the interested children to acquire the baking skill.

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Games & Sports

To encourage talent, exercise and fun.Work without play makes Tom and dull boy.

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