Introducing Dove Readers' Club (DRC)


1. Dove Readers’ Club (DRC)

From our last mentorship week 8th -13th Jan 2024, one of the common problems our mentees mentioned is a challenge in English subject at school. This we found out cross cuts among children in P.5, P.6 and P.7, yet these are children who were in P.1, P.2 and P.3 during COVID and they missed out reading and writing in lower primary.

As Dove mentorship, we aim at the following objectives of;

  1. To Inculcating a Reading and writing culture at an early age.
  2. To change the narrative of Africans as readers and writers among the young people.

With the above objectives, we believe that reading will help the young people;

  • Increase their focus, concentration and mental well-being improving their memory
  • Help in independent learning and boost creativity
  • Help in communication skills. In our last mentorship in Jan Holidays, one of the common findings in the Public Speaking Session was Expressing self. We believe it all begins with self-confidence attained through reading that communication skills can be improved.
  • A sense of accomplishments can be gained by readers who complete a book at a time, thus confidence in other aspects of life and satisfying self-attained goals.
  • Reading will also help in their comprehension skill as it exercising their brains and train them in critical thinking as well as expand their knowledge and understanding.
  • We also believe that through reading, many children will find and discover their purposes and passions in life. With the information flow from books, they will develop self- generated ideas in line with their destinies. In future such children will find it Easy to read their Bibles.

2. ICT mentorship

98% of our Jan mentees were interested in ICT. This holiday, we intend to classify our mentees on our online engagement according to classes to build teams in line with their ICT preferences. We intend to engage this holiday to understand their interests that will be catered for next engagement.

3. The Prayer School

The main achievement during the Jan mentorship week was the impact of the prayer school in the children’s lives. What stood out for them was learning their Quite Time with God. They enjoyed it and requested for online engagement even after the mentorship week and it worked out well every 6:30-7am. This was an eye opener for Online engagements and we still intend to pray together through the holiday daily.

Time for engagement for the Readers Club, ICT and Prayer school will be communicated after registration for different classes.

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Welcome to Dove Mentorship
By Josiah